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Solving the 3 Most Impactful AD and Entra ID Group Management Challenges

Solving the 3 Most Impactful AD and Entra ID Group Management Challenges Today’s cyberattacks rely heavily on an attacker’s ability to gain privileged access beyond that of a low-level user.  The gaining of privileges in attacks often involves targeting and accessing Active Directory and/or Microsoft Entra ID (formerly Azure AD) with elevated enough credentials to modify the directory to further grant access to systems, resources, applications, and data. The foundation for AD and Entra ID provides privileged access to resources – whether on-premises or in the cloud - with privileges assigned to identities or groups of identities. This eBook examines three specific group management challenges – Group Glut, Harnessing Nested Groups, and Permission Elevation and Permission Creep – and explains why these problems exist and how to address them.
Solving the 3 Most Impactful AD and Entra ID Group Management Challenges

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